Take Note of This: Handwritten Notes Are More Effective Than Typed Ones

There is a study shows that students who took their notes longhand wrote on average of 173 words compared to computer note takers who wrote 310. Students who typed their notes were also more likely to take down notes word-for-word.

3 method of taking a note

Outline Method

Need to highlight because when your note become too much

Cornell Method

  1. Notes column (Record) Record lecture as fully and as meaningfully as possible.
  2. Cue column (Reduce & Recite) As you’re taking notes, keep cue column empty. Soon after the lecture, reduce your notes to concise jottings as clues for Reciting, Reviewing, and Reflecting.
  3. Summary Sum up each page of your notes in a sentence or two.


Mind Mapping Method

Use Coggle to take a note with mind mapping